Software downloads

Here you can download the Crash Recovery System for Android, iOS or Windows. After installing this application, the relevant edition of the Crash Recovery System can be selected.

Crash Recovery System

Download the Moditech Crash Recovery System for your device or platform.

To retrieve your corresponding password, please contact
To retrieve your corresponding password, please contact

Current versions

  • Android 3.105
  • iOS 3.106
  • Windows

Minimum System Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows 10 Version 1809, Android Version 8.0 or iOS Version 15.0
  • 2 GB RAM Memory
  • 32 GB Storage Space
  • True Color display with XGA resolution (1024×768)

Please note:
Make sure your device supports the new version. For example, installing CRS iOS requires a device that supports at least iOS Version 15.0. Update your device if necessary.

VR App

Download the Moditech VR App for Oculus Quest.


Download detailed user manuals and how-to install guides here.